Bone Marrow Stimulant
Cap. Paranil is indicated for the Treatment in -
- Cancer patients during chemotherapy
- Severe / Complicated cases of Falciparum Malaria
- Enhancing the immune response of the body in children, physically weak, pregnant ladies and elderly
- Cap. Paranil is purely Herbo - Mineral drug.
- Does not contain any harmful metal / heavy metal.
- No adverse effects.
- No drug interactions with chemotherapeutic drug.
- In Cancer patients chemotherapeutic drugs exert harmful effect on the Bone Marrow as a result blood count goes down and if it goes critically down, patient cannot be given next chemotherapy cycle in scheduled time. Cap. Paranil stimulates the Bone Marrow and raises the blood count so that next chemotherapy cycle can be performed in scheduled time.
- Cap. Paranil strengthens the immune system of the body and enhances the production of natural protective antibodies so that chances of intercurrent infection are reduced in cancer patients.